The Japanese Language School Unified System (JLSUS, Kyodo System) has three affiliated schools in Los Angeles and Orange County. We offer classes for introductory, elementary school, and junior high and high school students. We provide a more systematic and effective Japanese language education. In every school, students learn Japanese language and culture based on textbooks in their classes and become familiar with communicable contemporary Japanese through main events like academic achievement exhibits and speech contest while having fun. We also have seasonal events such as New Year’s Day, Setsubun, Children’s Day, etc. for students to experience what those events are like in Japan.
In every school, classes start at 8:45 am and end at 12:15 pm on Saturday and there are 4 class periods with one class period of 45 minutes.
Our school system has two semesters. The first semester starts on the 3rd Saturday of July and ends on the 3rd Saturday of December. The second semester starts on the 1st Saturday of January and ends on the 3rd Saturday of June. Usually students join our school in July every year but they can join anytime during the school year if they want.
A program of each division is as follows:
Introductory: year program | The common textbook is “Easy Japanese: Introduction” compiled by the California Japanese Language School Association. Other educational materials by Video and CD are used. The standard qualification age of introductory division is 5 years old but it is possible for children less than 5 years old to attend. Please ask Chief Instructor of each school. |
Elementary: six years program | There are Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced classes and students usually spend 2 years for each class. In the classes of Beginner and Intermediate, the text book of “Easy Japanese: Beginner”, “Easy Japanese, Intermediate” and “Easy Japanese: Advanced” are used respectively. In the class of Beginner, educational materials by video and CD are also used. In the class of Advanced, educational materials developed in Japan are also used. |
Jr. High School: three years program | In addition to educational materials used in the past, newly developed educational materials in Japan are quite often used. In the class, students learn not only how to read and write Japanese, but also how to express your opinion in writing and in speaking. In some school, students are encouraged to take Japanese Language Proficiency Test. |
High School: three years program | Newly developed educational materials in Japan are mostly used. Writing and speaking Japanese is emphasized. In addition to Japanese Proficiency Test, there is a class to learn how to take SAT Japanese. As to the credit test, we can provide students in which their school and school district allow. Most schools also offer Basic Japanese class in which American high school students can learn Japanese from the basic level. |
Open House・Class try out | All schools have an open house at the beginning of June every year. It is good opportunity to learn about the classes and the school. Any Saturday of the year whenever we have classes, children can visit any time. Also we have a free trial by sitting in the actual classes for one day (Reservation is required). |
Kyodo System Headquarters
Address | 3323 Fairpoint st, Pasadena, CA 91107 |
Tel. | 626-469-0092 | |
Rafu Chuo Gakuen/Japanese Culture Course
Division | Introductory, Elementary, Jr. High, High |
Address | 202 N. Saratoga Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033 |
Tel. | (323) 268-4955 (Saturday only) |
Pasadena Gakuen
Division | Introductory, Elementary, Jr. High, High |
Address | 301 N. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103 |
Tel. | 626-469-0092 |
Daiichi Gakuen Irvine School
Division | Introductory, Elementary, Jr. High |
Address | 23802 Avenida De La Carlota, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (St. Goerge’s Church) |
Tel. | 626-469-0092 |