We understand how uneasy you must feel when it is reported every day that the number of patients of coronavirus is still increasing. We, as Kyodo System schools, strongly hope that the situation will be improved not so long in the future.
On 3/14/20, we sent a notice to the parents that our schools will be closed on both 3/21 and 3/28. Since then both the City and County of Los Angeles have issued the emergency order of stay home until 4/19, and therefore we have decided to close our schools on two Saturdays of 4/4 and 4/18 (4/11 is scheduled as Easter Holiday).
We have also decided not to charge a tuition for April because of the closings of 4 Saturday classes from 3/21 to 4/18.
In our current plan, we will reopen all classes on 4/25, and we are now investigating the possibility of introducing on-line classes from that day. If it is feasible, we will notify you of the on-line classes starting from 4/25.
Your understanding and cooperation on Kyodo’s decision mentioned above will be highly appreciated.
President, Masako Kobayashi
Principal, Kiyoshi Murakata